Update on the COVID-19 spring vaccine for immunosuppressed people
Information on the spring booster vaccination programme including eligibility.
25 May 2023
Information on the spring booster vaccination programme including eligibility.
25 May 2023
Updates on the construction of the new urgent and emergency care facility at Arrowe Park Hospital.
25 May 2023
Details of local activities offered by Wired during Carers Week 2023.
25 May 2023
Marine Lake Health and Wellbeing Centre in the heart of West Kirby is officially open to the public. It is a partnership project between Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust (WCHC), Marine Lake and Estuary Medical Practice and Age UK Wirral.
25 May 2023
The Patient Experience Strategy at WUTH will be focused on the Inclusive Promise for the months of June and July, including holding an Interactive Workshop on Tuesday 6th June.
25 May 2023
Sole Survivor PTSD Support CIC have recently started a weekly Adult Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD) Peer Support Group at the Wirral Multicultural Centre building, 111 Conway St., Birkenhead CH41 4AF for people from the BAME, Refugee or Asylum Seeker Communities.
25 May 2023