Compliments and Concerns

Below, you will find a range of services set up to help you share any compliments or complaints you may have about Health and Social Care services in Wirral. If you need any help with this, please give us a call.

There are a number of services set up to help you with any compliments or concerns that you may have in relation to the health and social care that you've received.

The steps you can take with your compliment/complaint are:

First Step: As a priority you should contact the service where you are having treatment/had treatment

Second Step: Contact the correct Patient Advice Liaison Service (PALS) or Patient Experience Teams for the service you would like to discuss. PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) offers confidential advice, support and information on health-related matters and they provide a point of contact for patients, their families and their carers.

PALS can:

  • Help you with health-related questions
  • Help resolve concerns or problems when you're using the NHS
  • Tell you how to get more involved in your own healthcare

PALS can give you information about:

  • The NHS
  • The NHS complaints procedure, including how to get independent help if you want to make a complaint
  • Support groups outside the NHS

PALS also helps to improve the NHS by listening to your concerns and suggestions.

Cheshire and Wirral (PALS)

0800 132 996

Cheshire and Wirral Partnership (PALS)

0800 195 4462

Clatterbridge Cancer Centre (PALS)

0151 556 5203

Community Trust Patient Experience Service

0800 694 5530


The PALS team at Wired provides a confidential service, helping you sort out any concerns you may have about the service you are receiving from your GP service.

0800 054 2137 or 0151 363 3948

Wirral University Teaching Hospitals Trust (PALS)

0800 432 0251

We also offer independent advocacy support for people who have concerns in relation to any aspect of the NHS (for example, Hospitals, GPs, Dentists).

The contact details are below.

Third Step If you decide that you need further help/support with your concern/complaint then please contact Linda Town

Independent NHS Complaints Advocacy Support

If you are unhappy about any aspect of NHS care or treatment you or others have received, you can raise your concerns about it. The Self Help Information pack will give you all the information to get you started. Should you require any assistance with this, please contact us.

0151 230 8957

Download Self Help Information Pack Download NHS Complaints Agency Referral Form