
This page highlights what we have been working on recently. Many of these projects will involve us asking local people about their experiences to help us to improve care. We also work with a range of organisations (from small local groups to large statutory organisations like hospitals) to make sure we are sharing ideas and developing solutions to achieve positive change.

Discharge from hospital - Pathway 0

Project Partners: NHS Cheshire & Merseyside ICB, Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Healthwatch Wirral make follow-up calls to Wirral University Teaching Hospital patients discharged on Pathway 0 with the aim of reducing inappropriate or unnecessary attendances at A&E (Emergency Department), re-admissions to Hospital and to evaluate and improve access to GP Primary Care.

Qualitative Evaluation of Psychological Therapies for Carers

Project Partners: Learning Disabilities and or Autism & Cheshire and Merseyside, NHS England and Improvement Northwest Transforming Care Programme

Pilot Programme launched April 2022 to explore whether a flexible and creative psychological service provided to families in Wirral helps to improve overall wellbeing for carers. Healthwatch Wirral are carrying out qualitative evaluation of the project.

Maternal Mental Health Project

Project Partners: Healthwatch England, Wirral Maternity Voices, Koala North West, Wirral Mind (Mums Matter), Wirral Deen Centre, Heart for Refugees, Silver Birch Hub

As part of a nationwide project we are conducting qualitative interviews to capture lived experiences of women, birthing parents and their families with an overall aim to improve mental health support in maternity care, capturing the impact of a lack of proper support and highlighting the disparities in maternity care for people that are often missing from the narrative around maternity services, such as people from ethnic minority groups and LGBTQ+ people.

GP Enhanced Access Survey

Project Partners: NHS Cheshire & Merseyside ICB, Wirral Health and Care Commissioning

Healthwatch Wirral have been tasked with evaluating, reviewing and feeding back on plans, delivery and impact of GP Enhanced Access service. We will use a variety of methods to engage with providers and public.

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WUTH Patient Experience Hub

Project Partners: Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Healthwatch Wirral have a regular front-facing presence at Arrowe Park Hospital’s Patient Experience Hub used to engage with patients, visitors and all those who attend the hospital and to offer guidance and signposting.

Review of Access to IAPT Services for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Members of the Community

Project Partners: Insight Healthcare, Wirral Deen Centre, Wirral Metropolitan College, Wirral Change

Healthwatch Wirral consult with people from a wide range of ethnic minorities to improve service delivery and assist in the creation of evidence-based, marketing materials that help break down barriers to accessing psychological therapies, increasing appropriate referrals to Talking Together Wirral.

Neuro Developmental Pathway Model – Development Group/Diagnostic Pathway Project

Project Partners: Whole System

Responding to a review of the neurodevelopmental diagnostic pathways and to feedback from parents, carers, children and young people (CYP) during the SEND inspection. Focused on improving the pathway for CYP and their families, by enhancing our support offer, improving communications, improving our data quality and working towards a reduction in waiting times and co-producing a new Wirral model with children and families.

Community Mental Health Transformation Programme Board

Project Partners: CWP, Rethink Mental Illness and other key stakeholders across the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector

Assist in the development of better integration of primary and secondary MH care supporting adults and older people with serious mental health issues. Healthwatch Wirral worked with Rethink Mental Illness & Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CWP) for the Wirral Alliance involving NHS partners, local authorities and organisations from the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector to deliver a new, joined-up plan to support people with complex mental health needs.

BRIDGE Forum – Bridging Resources Information Direction Guidance for Everyone

Project Partners: All sectors

The purpose of this monthly meeting is to share regular information across all sectors, identify issues encountered and discuss how we can work collaboratively in a connected and integrated way to help improve the pathways into services for Wirral residents.

Young Carers

Project Partners: Barnardo’s Action with Young Carers Wirral

We meet regularly with young carers supported by Barnardo’s to talk to them about our work and hear their viewpoints about health and social care in Wirral, as well as learning about their experiences as young carers. We publish a report after each meeting which is shared with stakeholders across health and social care.

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Project Partners: Public Health Wirral, Involve Northwest

Development & delivery of an initiative & training across Wirral. #Spare5 has been developed to encourage people to make time for each other! Optimising access to information relating to health and wellbeing, #Spare5 provides access to information that links people to Wirral services, groups and agencies.

Seeing The Armour – Moving Forward From Shielding

Project Partners:

As official shielding guidance came to an end on 1st April 2021, we continued our work with people who had been shielding to understand more about their experiences and feelings during the pandemic, including access to health and social care.

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