Help with changes to English language proficiency policy

News - 01 November 2023

The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) wants patients’ insights to help it improve the way it assesses the English language abilities of the health professionals it regulates. 

The HCPC regulates a variety of health and care professionals working in the UK in the NHS and private sector. It is considering changes in how professionals’ language abilities are assessed, including introducing an exhaustive list of English language tests for applicants, to ensure a fair and robust system. 
The Patients Association is recruiting 10 people to take part in a focus group on the proposed changes to understand how the changes may impact patients and carers.
If you’ve seen one or more of the following professionals in the last three years, and would like to join the group, follow the link in the button below to let us know you’re interested:

  • Art therapist
  • Biomedical scientist
  • Chiropodist/podiatrist
  • Clinical scientist
  • Dietician
  • Hearing aid dispenser
  • Occupational therapist
  • Operating department facilitator
  • Orthoptist
  • Paramedic
  • Psychologist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Prosthetist/orthotist
  • Radiographer
  • Speech and language therapist.

The focus group will take place on 17th November 1:00PM – 3:30PM.

Participants will be reimbursed with an £80 voucher for attending the focus group. We are looking for people from across the UK to take part and particularly welcome applications from people who are/have been pregnant in the last 3 years, from Black, Asian or other minority ethnic communities, are disabled, and or LGBTQ.

The HCPC has launched a public consultation on the proposed changes to its policy.