Wirral Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2021-2023

News - 12 January 2024

Wirral Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board is a new Board , it formed in September 2021 after the previous combined Board of Knowsley, Wirral, Sefton and Liverpool decided to set up separate Boards. The Board includes senior managers from the Local Authority, local NHS services, Police, Fire and Rescue Services, Probation, Age UK Wirral, and Healthwatch.

This is the first report from the Board covering the 18 month period since its start and up to the end of March 2023. All Safeguarding Adults Boards have a duty to publish a report each year to describe the work done by the Board and Healthwatch Wirral are pleased to introduce this on behalf of all the members of the Board. It details the priorities for the first year and the structures of the Board which have been developed to help deliver on them.