Wirral Mencap – free workshops for people with a learning disability and their parents and carers

News Newsletter - 26 January 2023

Please find attached and summarised below fliers for Wirral Mencap’s upcoming free workshops.

Booking essential
Phone: 0151 666 1829 email: [email protected]

We are running several Simple Ways to Save on Bills workshop – spaces still available on 16th February. This workshop is suitable for anyone who wants to reduce outgoings, whether they are parents, carers or a person with a learning disability. Drinks and biscuits provided.
Flyer: LDT – Simple Ways to Save 2023

The All Things Health workshop on 6th Feb will be delivered by Annie Grady from Positivitree. Suitable for people with a learning disability or anyone who parents and/or cares for someone with a learning disability, who want to know more about accessibility in health services for people with a learning disability. A light lunch is available at this workshop.
Flyer: Health Checks Workshop 2023

Our next big event on 9th March focuses on Adult Social Care for people with learning disabilities and their parent carers. For anyone wanting to know the law and local processes around social care. Light lunch provided at this event.
Flyer: Adult Social Care 2023