Talking Together Wirral – mental health support for those affected by the Wallasey shooting

Look After Yourself News Newsletter - 25 January 2023

Talking Together Wirral is offering 3 face to face drop-in sessions for anyone who has been directly affected by the tragic events at the Lighthouse Pub on Christmas Eve. This includes all staff and members of the public who may have been struggling since the event.

See below for more details about the support available from Talking Together Wirral:

We want to encourage anyone to come and speak to us, totally free and confidentially if you feel able to reach out.

We will have two Psychotherapists present at each drop-in who are there to listen and, where appropriate, offer practical tips to support your well-being at this challenging time.

Suppose you would rather not speak to us at a drop in but would like to explore how Psychological Therapies can help you to manage or overcome symptoms such as low mood, feeling scared or being on edge, for example. In that case, we will also be on hand to offer information and, if you want, help you to make a referral.

  • Monday 6th Feb, 1pm-5pm, Community Soul Cafe, 117 Wallasey Village CH45 3LF
  • Tuesday 7th Feb, 1pm-5pm, Stollies at Stollies café, 106 Wallasey Village CH45 3LN
  • Friday 10th Feb, 9am-12pm, Stollies at Stollies café, 106 Wallasey Village CH45 3LN

Please note that the Community Soul will be closed for the day to offer us the venue, and while the room is large and we can sit in one corner, there won’t be a perfect private space to talk. If this is important to you, then there will be a private room upstairs at Stollies. The downstairs of Stollies will be open to the public on the days, but the upstairs will be reserved only for us.

Talking Together Wirral would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Managers at Community Soul Café and Stollies for kindly offering us the space and time to enable us to provide this support.

If anyone cannot attend the above sessions but feels they may need further support regarding their mood, please self-refer via 0151 649 1859 or complete our online referral form on