BRIDGE Forum Notes – 26th July 2023

01 August 2023

Key messages from the July 2023 BRIDGE Forum, including a link to the full notes. Speakers include representatives from Wirral Intelligence Service, Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust, Citizens Advice Wirral

Guest Speakers

John Highton – Wirral Intelligence Service, Wirral Borough Council
Neil Perris – Head of Inclusion & Inequalities, Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Lorraine Adams – Patient Safety Lead, Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Julie Murphy – Citizens Advice Wirral

Update 24th August 2023:

Iain Stewart Head of Transformation and Partnerships, (Primary Care, Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Autism) presented at the June BRIDGE Forum in relation to the ICB (Integrated Care Board).

Additional questions were asked by those who attended following this presentation.

Healthwatch sought some clarity from Iain around the following areas.

Q. Can we have a visual document to help the public and patients understand the ICB/ICS?

Iain has acknowledged that has been confusing for all, especially patients and Patient Participation Groups (PPGs). The below visual has been provided.

An additional link to the ICB website has been offered, which has a helpful animation included.

Q. Healthwatch have put additional requests in around Easy Read materials and examples of patient jouneys. 

We have been told that the ICB Communications team are looking at this and will update us soon. Please call Healthwatch Wirral if you would benefit from information in a different format or if you have any further questions.

Tel: 0151 230 8957

The link below has been provided as a credible and useful source of information in the meantime.

NHS Cheshire and Merseyside – NHS Cheshire and Merseyside

See Full Report