Healthwatch Wirral & partners working together to Reduce health inequalities on Wirral

Engagement News - 08 August 2023

Connecting Health Communities is an 18-month project with a specific focus on older people and carers who are ‘falling through the net’ & what can be done to address this.

Facilitated by the (Institute for Voluntary Action Research) working with cross-sector partnerships on Wirral the aim was to look at reducing Health Inequalities. The programme works with local health systems, the voluntary sector and communities facing health inequalities. The aim is to kick-start and sustain partnerships on Wirral that can deliver improved health outcomes for vulnerable groups. 

During this work we spoke to 25 people from 12 cross-sector organisations, and 35 older people and carers. As a result of these conversations, we have put together a resource which highlights what is needed for a more inclusive and joined up approach to staying well in Wirral. This ‘how-to guide’ will help to support the design and delivery of services for older people that means people aren’t left behind or unable to access local support to meet their needs.

Organisations involved: Age UK Wirral, One Wirral, Wirral Older People’s Parliament, Citizens Advice Wirral, Healthwatch Wirral and Talking Together Wirral