
Healthwatch Wirral Training & Developments

Healthwatch is a statutory service that influences how Health & Social Care services work in our area. Healthwatch has the legal power to visit health & social care services to see what is working well and identify any areas for improvement. The evidence collected is used to make people’s experiences better. To do this, skilled and […]

01 November 2023

Ask Your Pharmacist Week (30 October – 6 November): how your local pharmacy can support you

It’s ‘Ask Your Pharmacist Week’ and health professionals in Cheshire and Merseyside are reminding you about the range of healthcare services and support available at your local pharmacy. Pharmacists are experts in the use of medicines, managing minor illnesses such as coughs and colds, itchy eyes and earache and providing free and confidential health and wellbeing advice. […]

30 October 2023

WCHC is proud to be an Armed Forces friendly organisation – Silver ESR

Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust (WCHC) is a Veteran Aware NHS Trust. The organsiation is committed to supporting the armed forces communities and recognise the experiences and skills ex-military personnel have gained through their service. Team WCHC is proud to have received two prestigious accreditations: The Trust was formally presented with its […]

26 October 2023

Healthwatch Wirral Listening to Patients

Healthwatch Wirral use what patients tell us to ensure providers of care and health services understand and listen. Healthwatch Wirral work with Wirral University Teaching Promise Groups and in turn helping with the development of their Patient Experience Strategy. Recently the Care promise group used co-production to design the Patient Discharge Checklist. Healthwatch are aiding […]

23 October 2023

Healthwatch Wirral supporting Digital Inclusion

Healthwatch Wirral have been working hard with Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to support the distribution of reconditioned iPads for use in the community here on Wirral. Our job at Healthwatch Wirral is simple: we are here to help make health and social care work better for everyone. Digital Inclusion plays a big […]

18 October 2023

Good Environments Matter: Patient-Led Assessments of the Care Environment (PLACE)

On 11th October Healthwatch Staff and Volunteers joined other assessors to support Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust with their assessment. Healthwatch Wirral spent time listening to patients and assessing different wards and areas on the hospital site. PLACE is about the non-clinical environment covering food, cleanliness, privacy, dignity and wellbeing, condition, appearance and […]

12 October 2023