New SEND Local Offer website launched
News - 18 September 2023
A message from Wirral Council re SENDLO:
We are delighted to share with you that today (18/9/23) we have launched the new and improved SEND Local Offer website. SENDLO, as it is called, has been co-produced by a big pool of stakeholders and benefited from having SEND Parents and Carers and our fabulous SEND young people involved at every stage of the website’s development. Their contribution has been invaluable and we are very grateful to them and every other stakeholder who has helped shape SENDLO. Special thanks must go to the Parent and Carer members at the Positivitree for the considerable time and interest they have invested advising on layout, accessibility and content. We’d also like to extend a big thank you to Poppy Cain, Wirral’s SEND Youth Engagement officer who has ensured that young people across Wirral have had the opportunity to have their say. They have contributed to the name, the site’s look and feel and the content that they and other young people will find really helpful.
Feedback via surveys throughout the website’s development shows that SENDLO is already proving a hit. 97% of people said they preferred SENDLO to the previous website. They particularly like the use of visuals and videos rather than lots of written information and the improved accessibility tools are making a really big difference. The tools allow people using the website to adjust the website to suit their individual needs. E.g., people with ADHD, Dyslexia and those who benefit from having content read out to them. SENDLO can also be translated into lots of different languages.
What is a SEND Local Offer?
Each local area has a duty to publish information relating to the SEND services on offer regarding Health, Education and Social care. The idea being everything is in one place to help our SEND families navigate their way and be signposted to the advice and information they need to support their children and young people from birth up to the age of 25. News items and details of What’s On locally are also important, as is the option to get in touch to share feedback and suggest content.
SENDLO will evolve as the days and months go by. More and more content will be added. We are proud of the website we have produced but really want it to be as useful as possible for as many people as possible. We are actively encouraging anyone and everyone to visit the website and let us know what they think. Please share your ideas, article suggestions, events information and, of course, sign up for our regular newsletters. This is quick and easy to do via the SENDLO website.
Here is the link to the website.