HomeFirst Service – Northwest Winter Event 2023
News - 02 November 2023
The team from Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust (WCHC) presented the HomeFirst Service at NHS Northwest’s Winter Event 2023 and shared the continued success of the service to over 300 colleagues from across the region. The event was an opportunity to share key learnings, case studies and a data led approach to improving outcomes for patients.
The HomeFirst Service enables people to continue their recovery and rehabilitation in their own surroundings – regaining their ability to live as independently as possible and supporting their long-term health and wellbeing.
The service is delivered by the Trust’s Community Integrated Response Team (CIRT) which includes health care assistants, assessment reablement officers and social workers.
Since the service launched in late 2022, the team has supported over 700 discharges, providing better assessments and care options for the Wirral population.
“My wife’s improvement has been astonishing. I cannot praise the service enough…
I look forward to further visits and continual improvement. Thank you so much for offering the service.” For more information about the HomeFirst Service please visit the Trust’s website.