Healthwatch Wirral supporting Digital Inclusion

News - 18 October 2023

Healthwatch Wirral have been working hard with Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to support the distribution of reconditioned iPads for use in the community here on Wirral.

Our job at Healthwatch Wirral is simple: we are here to help make health and social care work better for everyone. Digital Inclusion plays a big part in people being able to have more control over their health & better experiences of care and treatment.

Healthwatch Wirral linked with organisations across the VCFSE (Voluntary Community Faith and Social Enterprise) sector, to help equity in access to the devices.

The iPads will make a big difference and will be used to support digital inclusion, improved access and helping with health literacy for groups the organisations are working with.

One of the groups advised

“There are many children and young people we work with, and most of them do not have access to digital platforms.  We know that secondary schools, expect young people to do their homework via the schools’ websites.

We hope that the iPads will help. We envisage that the housing officers will have a signing in/out for the equipment, to ensure young people are not disadvantaged and are able to carry out their homework”.