Healthwatch Wirral Listening to Patients
News - 23 October 2023
Healthwatch Wirral use what patients tell us to ensure providers of care and health services understand and listen. Healthwatch Wirral work with Wirral University Teaching Promise Groups and in turn helping with the development of their Patient Experience Strategy.
Recently the Care promise group used co-production to design the Patient Discharge Checklist. Healthwatch are aiding the evaluation process to see how it is doing from a patient and carer perspective.

The aim of this checklist is to empower patients, carers and family members to feel involved from the start in their plans for when they are discharged from hospital. This helps people feel more confident and safe at the thought of moving on from hospital care.
In October we joined colleagues form Age UK Wirral, The Brain Charity & employees of WUTH to conduct a walk round the hospital to gather valuable insights from patients.
The group conducted a total of 74 surveys across 9 different wards.